Tuesday, 22 January 2013

One Year Post.

John Lauren Photography
Yesterday marked a full year since Melody and I had our wedding. In that time a question that's become standard for our friends to ask us is "So what's it like being married?" The question never seemed an ill-fit to me, because of course I used to think the same way they did, that after the wedding you suddenly step into this brand new reality, like starting college or moving to the city. And in many ways I still believe it's like that, but since that time I've learned marriage is actually more like planting a garden. Sure, there have been a lot of changes to our lives that have happened almost instantly (we didn't live together before); but how marriage really changes you as a person, in all the cool remarkable ways, is only seen slowly and after a lot of effort. Starting a blog only seemed appropriate. - Julian


  1. Very appropriate... Yes, a gardern! Tim Kelleresque analogy...Just move back to LA...You and Melody are lovely....Happy Anniversary! Again...

    1. Hi Mamas, thanks! It sounds like his because it is his--or at least he uses it at his opening analogy in his lecture on marriage with Kathy (Kuya PJ has it). We will return soon enough, Lord-willing, keep praying for us

  2. julian! i want to visit NYC and see you guys again :0

    1. Aha! I knew you loved hanging out with us. You're always welcome at our place Santi.

  3. nice design! :) so excited for you guys
